
Jon Remmerde

free reading, free listening

essays, fiction, poetry, songs


Death by Internet  Fiction or essay or maybe poem.

 I Quit  What's That About??

Raven and Coyote fiction.

No TV, No Cell Phone Essay.

poems: After Drought  Reading   

The Alchemist Works at Midnight  Reading 

The Beef You Eat Today Was Hydraulic Oil Yesterday  Reading

Burned Out Blues  Reading

Captured. Enraptured  Reading

Gardening the Desert   Reading

Thirteen Raven Poems   Reading

     I took care of a hay and cattle ranch in northeastern Oregon, then the water inlets for the city of Bend, Oregon, on Tumalo Mountain, then a Girl Scout ranch in the Rocky Mountains near Denver and then another Girl Scout ranch in the Rocky j0n w/ hatMountains near Fort Collins, Colorado.

      Laura and I and our daughters, Juniper and Amanda, lived on the places we took care of. My family participated in the caretaking and in the adventures of living in the mountains, nearly outside the consumer culture.

      Much of my writing tells about ourJon splits wood experience as a family on remote ranches, close to wildlife and away from the consumer society

      I’ve published essays, short fiction, and poetry in The Crab Creek Review, Back Home, Bellowing Ark, Bugle, The Christian Jon w/ guitarScience Monitor, The Doula, The Fiddlehead, Home Educator’s Family Times, Home Schooling, Men's Fitness, Northwest, Summit, The Sun, a Magazine of Ideas, Yoga International, The Wolf Head Quarterly, Zyzzyva, and other magazines and newspapers. I’ve published books of fiction, and books of non fiction.  

     Many of my essays and some of my books are about living off the grid, about wildlife we saw and interacted with, about the clear washoseness in our family that came partly from living and working in undeveloped areas, about the education of our daughters within our family, and about the perspectives we developed partly because we lived close to the land, with nature and wildlife around us.

    Songs: Tom Niehus, music and engineering, voice, Leiza Rea and Tom Neihus, lyrics by Jon Remmerde.

    These songs and some others are available on Amazon. Type The Night Sweepers Keep on Making Music into Amazon's search engine to buy.


Snowy Owl 

Trucker in Early Morning

Independence Day 

Move out of this Town 

Desert Storm


Keep On Making Music

 More songs are available from Archives.


Leo Rising   Fiction.

Create to the Future Essay

Camping without a Campfire and Without a Camera  Essay.

Diary, June 25, 2024.

Short and Happy Life of Spaghetti Johnson  fiction.

Iron Thumb, Beavers and Me Essay from archives.

Rain Poem and Reading.

Writing a New Poem and Reading

A Man of Power, with spikes on His Boots Essay.

       More essays, poems, songs and stories are available in Archives.

Other Stuff: 

Tips for Writers 1 Essay.

Gathering Images from a Wandering Journey Essay.

I Walked up the Hill  Poem and Reading

The Insidious Development of Keyboarditis   Essay.

Killing Rattlesnakes Essay from archives.

Storms on the Pete Mann Ditch Essay

Dark Night in a Dark Cabin essay.

The Dark Heart of Winter Essay by Laura Remmerde.

Driving Flies  Essay and  Reading from archives.

Housework by Gender Essay from archives.

Golden Belgian, Golden Autumn Essay.

Time Flies When I'm Having Fun essay.

More of everything is available in Archives.


     Everything on my website is copyrighted. Write me at Jon@oregonauthor.com to arrange permission to use anything and to give feedback about this website.

Want to Help? 

Daily Prayer


Know Your Grower  Tom Niehus, music and engineering, voice, Leiza Rea and Tom Neihus, lyrics by Jon Remmerde.


Guns, Wars, Murders, Destruction  Revised. September 15, 2024.  Essay.


Trillions for War  Essay.


Old Friends  Essay.


Golden Summer and Gold from the Yuba River  Essay.


Songs page


Books: Somewhere in an Oregon Valley  Book in PDF. My family's adventures living on a  ranch in the mountains, nearly outside the consumer culture.
Quiet People in a Noisy World  Book in PDF. 72 essays about my family’s life on remote ranches, on quiet mountains in Oregon and in Colorado, far from the noise and stress of modern life.

In the Beginning  Book, 26 surreal short stories PDF.

Abraham's Journey A book in PDF. An allegory.
I Got Dreams Book. 27 short stories. Fiction.


Lyle's Place  Fiction


From this Valley  Fiction.


Down in the Dumps  Fiction.


The Last Great Western Stock Drive  Fiction.


Butterfly Name and Reading   Poem.


Christianity Reviled  Essay.


Gift of Creativity  Essay.


Admonitions from the Wind  Essay.     


All Things Loud and Electrical  Essay.


Driving the Crumpled Car    Essay.


Elk on the Meadow   Essay.


Culture Shock  Essay.


Autumn on the Mountain  Essay.


All the Winter's Interruptions   Essay.


Blackbirds Flying in Sunshine  Essay.


Breakfast in Moonlight  Essay.


Winter of Dancing  and Reading.


Back to the Land Fiction.


Toytown essay.

             More of everything in archives.

Smoke and Fire  Essay.

Wasps Join us for Lunch  Essay.

Electric Vehicles  Editorial rant.

The Writer Rides in Autumn Sunshine  22% fiction and 73% fact, revised.

Steel String Guitars and Sweet Oranges Essay.

Several Short Statements from the Webmaster's Journal of 2018

Dance of the Least Weasel

Venison Summer  Essay.

Keyboarditis  Essay.

Book Of Poems  In PDF, 130 poems.

Driving Tractor through Moments of Wonder  Essay.

A Man Called Grandma Essay.

Learning to Swear  Essay, revised.

I Got Dreams Essay.

Getting down to Laughter  Essay.

To Give or Not To Give  Essay.

Blast  Essay.

Jim Flies the Red Tractor  Essay.

Santa Fe's Organic Vegetables Essay.

Ponce de Leon and Reading Fiction.

Guns along the Northfork  Essay.

Caution!!! Read Instructions Essay.

James Jackson Riley fiction.

Get Up, Shiloh essay.

             More of everything in archives.

The Coldest Place in Oregon  Essay

Laura's Poem (In the Beauty of Earth Itself)

Pasque Flowers' Spring Dance   Reading

Developing Images  Essay

The Earliest Flowers of Spring   essay.

Essays from a Family of Four  essay.

Webmaster's Diary April 28, 2024.

                More of everything in archives.

A class is united by the 'button-factory bond'  by Laura Remmerde.

Working around Red-Winged's Nest  essay.

W.T. Essay from archives.

Story fiction.

Family Cohesion on the Ranch Essay.

Family Education 1981 Essay.

             More of everything in archives.